• SPOTO CCIE certification exam
    SPOTO Club
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  • SPOTO CCIE certification exam
    SPOTO Club
    The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is a network protocol designed to prevent broadcast loops and ensure a loop-free network topology by selectively enabling or disabling redundant links. By monitoring the network and tracking all links, STP shuts down the least redundant connections, ensuring efficient data flow and avoiding potential network storms caused by broadcast loops. Root Bridge Election Process:  In a Spanning Tree topology, one switch is elected as the root bridge, responsible for distributing Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs) and blocking the least redundant ports. The election process works as follows: Initially, all switches declare themselves as the root bridge and start exchanging their own BPDUs. The switch with the lowest Bridge ID (a combination of priority and MAC address) is considered superior. Switches receiving a superior BPDU update their own BPDU with the superior Bridge ID as the root Bridge ID. This process continues until all switches agree on the switch with the lowest Bridge ID as the root bridge. Types of Spanning Tree Protocols: 802.1D (Common Spanning Tree - CST): The original IEEE standard that elects a single root bridge for the entire topology. All traffic flows through the best path to the root bridge, but this may not always be the optimal path for specific VLANs. Convergence time is relatively slow (32 seconds). Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Plus (PVST+): A Cisco proprietary standard that finds a separate root bridge for each VLAN, providing better optimization and load balancing compared to CST. However, it still has a slow convergence time (50 seconds by default on Cisco switches). Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP - 802.1w): An IEEE standard that provides faster convergence than CST while maintaining a single root bridge for the topology. It requires more bridge resources than CST but fewer than PVST+. Rapid Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Plus (RPVST+): A Cisco proprietary standard that combines the benefits of PVST+ (separate instances per VLAN) and RSTP (faster convergence). It requires significant CPU and memory resources. Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP - 802.1s): An IEEE standard that groups VLANs and runs RSTP for each group, providing load balancing and redundancy while reducing resource usage compared to RPVST+. Choosing the appropriate STP protocol depends on factors such as network size, redundancy requirements, available resources, and the need for load balancing or optimal path selection for specific VLANs. To ensure a robust and efficient network infrastructure, it is crucial to understand and properly configure the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) based on your organization's unique requirements. Seek guidance from certified professionals or reputable training providers to master STP implementation and optimize your network's performance and reliability.
  • SPOTO CCIE certification exam
    SPOTO Club
    北京考场,住在和银泰街对面的建国酒店。酒店不错,走过一个地下通道就银泰,稳定10分钟走 到,推荐。考官中国人,人挺好的,一直在帮各个考生解决问题(不太了解其他考生为啥这么多问 题,我的考试一切正常),我也没有被TR。当天一共15个考生,超过十个考生都坚持到最后一刻, 提早交卷的基本也是3点半以后了,似乎大家都很珍惜这次来之不易的考试机会(祝福那些现在还 没抢到位置的同学)。考场里TS1,TS2,H2,H3都有看到,没有瞄到传说中的TS2+。 抽到非常幸运的233组合,没有TS2+,没有八个选项的DIAG1,也没有各种重分布选路的H2+。 总的来说都挺顺利,TS210道题全部排出,DISG3稳,H3也是一次就现象全出。下面详细说说各 个部分。 TS2 基本都是BT里有的错点,我把我还记得的错点都列出来,我忘了的几题错点也是有在BT里的。 只在Q9的DMVPN处遇到一点小麻烦。 Q1:SW400和SW401的vlanaccessmap少了20的actionforward Q2:R14没有对ISP宣告VLAN2001的网段,我用redistributeospf做的,直接network应该也 行 Q3:R12-13的accesslist写成65002的了,改为65001。还有一个错点记不太清了。 Q4:和之前战报一样,把R20的route-map里面的setextcommunity删掉 Q5:R51的tun0接口nhrp配置问题,照着已经up的R60改 ………………… DIAG3。 答案都挺好辨认的,我抽到的是attacker和serverip相反的那套。 H3 前面在ts的dmvpn处耽搁了不少时间,开始做cfg的时候已经快十点半了。总得来说cfg都很顺利, 所有现象都一次出,也留有足够的时间检查细节。几乎所有问题和答案都和思博的材料一致,我就 不每题都介绍,主要讲讲我答题过程中的经验。 1.整个cfg,和思博材料有所不同的地方就是LAN2LANIPSec部分。题目本身的要求还是和思博 材料一致的,不同在于R24的预配。presharekey的名字变了,transformset的名字也不是esp-aes。 但其实这些预配改变并不改变我们在R71上的配置,匹配的兴趣流也还是10.7.0.0/24 的。……………. 2.整个cfg,比思博材料多出来的一点东西是针对各个部分(650016500265003等)的二 层……………。 3.很多设备的预配都已经有了,……………,我看之前战报也有战友选择不管预配直接全部配置怼 上去。选一个自己合适的方法就好,个人感觉直接配置全怼可能会快一点,在查预配上真是花了不 少时间。 4.节奏要把握好,考试过程中也别懈怠了。当我做完tsdiag,看完cfg的所有题目确认没有新需求 后,我的答题节奏就慢下来了,最后cfg花了四个小时才做完,比练习时多花了近一倍的时间(当然 查预配也很花时间)。不要松懈,战斗到最后一刻。 再总结一下此次的备考心得吧。 1.思博的材料稳,很稳,螺旋稳! 2.不光多刷题,也要多多做总结,同时看群里大神的一些总结材料,都很有帮助,能使备考事半功 倍。 3.备考群是宝贵的资源,发问前可以先搜索一下聊天历史或群文件,我好多的疑问都是直接搜索找 到答案的。 最后要感谢思博这个平台,汇集了这么多优秀的资源,老师和学员。我的ccie一路过来磕磕绊绊, 前前后后拖了快一年,最后也感谢幸运女神垂青,幸运的刷到考位又幸运的抽到233套餐。祝所有 思博战友也顺利拿到自己的号码和泡面盖。