HongKong CCIE certification exam practices
It would be considered quite hard to gain CCIE Certifications. Although the best way to gain CCIE in a single attempt is through gaining the training courses offered in the SPOTO Club’s CCIE Section. So, here are some tips to help you clear your CCIE Certification in the first attempt.
1) Use Practice Tests
Schedule practice tests properly in advance of your scheduled exam date. I would recommend you to gain the practice tests offered at the SPOTO Club’s CCIE Exam. You would be required to set a deadline for yourself and check what you have got in between that time. SPOTO Club’s CCIE Online Training, have tens of thousands of successful stories. Their Practice Exams would be quite reliable, affordable, updated as well as of really best quality to overcome the difficulties of any IT certifications.
2) Rigorous Lab Training
You are required to do thorough lab training before attempting for CCIE Exam. The lab practice is what would make you gain the concepts as well as learn them. At least 4 to 5 hours of lab practice all day long with appropriate training resources, such as offered at the SPOTO Club’s CCIE Certification Programs, is required to clear this examination. You would be anticipated to perform the least of 500 hours of habitual lab training to clear CCIE Lab Examination.
3) Be Updated with Current Information
It is considered quite crucial to keep yourself updated when you would be arranging for CCIE Certifications. CCIE exam version changes with time along with all its concepts as well as topics. So you are required to know which exam you would be organizing yourself for. SPOTO Club’s CCIE Dumps, would be the best for you, as they update their study materials, and provide you the latest materials to help you clear the CCIE in a single attempt. For CCIE Lab Examinations, Lab software, and equipment are required to be the same.
4) Understanding Current Topologies
There would be quite a lot of topologies in networking that could come in the examination. Yes, you would be required to know about them all. But understanding the present topology would be significant as well. Sometimes, the same topology would be frequent for a few months or years in the examination. So it is considered quite imperative for you to study each and everything, particularly about that one. This would be able to help you out for clearing the examination a little easier.
5) Solid Troubleshooting Skills
In each track of CCIE Certification, you would be required to gain clear both CCIE Lab Examination as well as Written to earn the certification. To clear this examination, one must require having strong troubleshooting skills. Whether it would be Routing and Switching or Security; Wireless or Collaboration, in every study, a network would be given to you, as well as you would be needed to troubleshoot it. You should comprehend from which source the packet started as well as where it would move to, you also need to know about how to debug the whole communication.
6) Follow CCIE Blogs
You are needed to follow all the CCIE Blogs, which you could find it on the web. It would help you out in keeping yourself updated with the latest news of Networking like which Certification has been upgraded, which topics have been removed or where would be able to find another book to learn CCIE. Also, read blogs at SPOTO Club’s CCIE Certification Page to gain more knowledge.
So, if you follow these tips and gain the study dumps which are being offered at the SPOTO Club to ensure achieving your success in the first attempt.
HongKong CCIE certification exam practices
1)、101、SW2的e1/0端口安全配置的MAC、R8的DHCP配置的client-identifier 不同。SW2/R8修改成101的e0/0相同MAC, shutdown、no shutdown端口即可。
R8, SW2, 101 三個 mac 都不相同,reload 也沒變化,我以 R8 為準修改 SW2, 101,測試正常
2)、R17的s4/0增加ppp ipcp route default后,clear ip route *。
3)、R21的e2/0的ip地址掩码从/30 改成255.255.255.248
4)、R12在router eigrp 145 ,no passive-interface e1/0;R11/R12/R13/R14的eigrp的邻居建立,
R21:neighbor route-map MED out改成neighbor route-map MED in,并把修改local-preference的route-map应用到对内IBGP的邻居。
R22:同样修改neighbor route-map MED out为neighbor route-map MED in。clear ip bgp * soft软清下BGP。
R12: sh ip bgp查看路由只有1条路由,后检查R4的BGP下配置了聚合aggregate-address summary-only,删除后软清下BGP。
R21 增加 ip prefix 194 per le 32
二、DIAG 3
按DIAG材料解法。最后一题要选择tclsh http://10.1.1.x...,我是通过抓包文件过滤HTTP,只有2条记录,选择里面有具体的URL
三、CFG H3
1.1 二层对照图里的端口、VLAN做修改………
1.2 链路聚合…………
1.3 同spoto
1.4 同spoto
2.1 同spoto 注意R30/R31要配置default-in or al
2.2 同spoto
2.3 R41-R100的OSPF进程.其他同spoto
2.4 同spoto,
2.5 同spoto,
2.6 同spoto,EBGP配置已有,
2.7 同spoto
2.8 同spoto
2.10、2.11 同spoto
現象圖沒看到任何 interface 指示,故依據解法使用 lo 1
3.1 同spoto,OSPF已有预配,检查router-id,MPLS 配置:
3.2 R60/R51 的crypto配置crypto keyring 下少了pre-shared-key address key XXX
3.3 同spoto, R60的NAT配置没有预配,需要增加。
3.4 ……………………
4.1 同spoto
4.2 同spoto
5.1 同spoto,其中dot1dBridge考场能配置
5.2 同spoto
5.3 同spoto
5.4 同spoto