• CCIE Wireless lab certification exam practices
    SPOTO Club
    Diag6 cfg3 Today I faced cfg3 .... same cfg1 section parts but with new configuration 1.1 totally different 1.3 totally different 3.3 additional requirements 4.2 totally different 4.3 totally different 5.1 same with additional requirements 6.2 totally differen 1.1 talking about spanning tree with 2 instance pvst 1.3 Ap1 ,ap3 rimary 5500-1 secondary 5500-2 Ap2 primary 5500-2 secondary 5500-1 Same channels and everything Ap1 -2 should register with ise by MAC address and assign respective clan Ap3 strictly by static route 3.3 rf additional requirement of rf load balancing between data and centerguest ....snip.... we will update CFG soon, and pass at first in world.