Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Engineer PCNSE exam verifies a candidate's ability to design, deploy, configure, and maintain security implementations for most fundamental networks. The Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Engineer (PCNSE) is a formal certification that has been supervised by the market, and candidates who pass the PCNSE exam have an in-depth design, installation, configuration, maintenance, and troubleshooting of most Palo Alto-based network platforms.
Number of questions: 75 exam questions
Format: multiple choice, multiple answers
Exam Length: 80 minutes
Exam cost: $160 USD
Exam Passing Score: score of 70% and above
A recent survey also showed that many IT professionals experienced a 20% salary raise after getting certified. So if you want to get certified and seldom get time to prepare for it, our SPOTO can help you to pass the exam on the first try. We will help you to answer questions remotely during your exam. We will ensure your IT certification experience goes as smoothly as possible. You don't need to take training, do long preparation, or learn. We will handle everything for you!
Pass Your IT Certifications In First Attempt!
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