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Microsoft Windows Client MD-100 Exam Overview

If you passed Exam 70-698 before it expired on March 31, 2019, you only need to take MD-101 to earn the Modern Desktop certification. Candidates for this exam are Administrators who deploy, configure, secure, manage, and monitor devices and client applications in an enterprise environment. Candidates manage identity, access, policies, updates, and apps. As an Administrator, candidates typically collaborate with the Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrator to design and implement a device strategy that meets the business needs of a modern organization.

Candidates must be familiar with Microsoft 365 workloads and must be proficient and experienced in deploying, configuring, and maintaining Windows 10 and non-Windows devices and technologies.

This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks_ deploy Windows; manage devices and data; configure storage and connectivity; and maintain Windows. If you passed Exam 70-698 before it expired on March 31, 2019, you only need to take MD-101 to earn the Modern Desktop certification.

Exam Codes:
Exam Fee:
$165 USD
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Some knowledge you should know about Microsoft md-100: windows client exam

1.What are the advantages of SPOTO Microsoft MD-100 Dumps?

We Offer 100% Real and Valid Study Materials to Ensure You Are Well Prepared and Pass the MD-100 Exam on the 1st Try!

  • 100% Real MD-100 Exam Questions &Answers
  • 100% Pass Rate supported by our candidates in the past
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  • Refund Guarantee or Free Service Extension if you failed the exam

Why Choose SPOTO?

SPOTO, founded in 2003, concentrates on IT Certification training and aims to help all candidates to prepare and pass Cisco CCNA, CCNP, CCIE Lab, CISSP, CISA, CISM, PMP, AWS and other IT exams in the first try. Over 18 years, SPOTO has helped tens of thousands of candidates achieve their IT certifications. With SPOTO, you can boost your salary and advance your IT career.

18-Year IT Training Experience

SPOTO is the leader of IT certification training agencies with 18-year experience. We have helped thousands of candidates from the world to pass their IT exams in the first try. We are committed to providing the best IT training service for you!

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We have an excellent teaching team consisting of experienced and well-known IT certification specialists. Besides, our professional tutors will solve your problems patiently at any time. Our outstanding teachers and tutors are highly praised by our candidates.

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We offer less but real exam questions for you to pass the exam efficiently with less time. No other institute can compare this with us. Our study materials are 100% the same as the real exam. Our accuracy is the key to success and will save you lots of time. Sometimes, time is much more expensive than money.

2.Four Steps to Prepare & Pass Microsoft MD-100 Exam

Step1: Before scheduling your exam, it’s better to confirm exam & dump valid or invalid with SPOTOCLUB consultant and then make your further preparation study guide. 

Step2: Purchase SPOTOCLUB Microsoft MD-100 exam dumps and practice exam dump three to five days. If you make no fault on dumps/practice test, you can schedule exam. 

Step3: Be encouraged to take exam and pass at your first attempt. 

Step4: If failed, confirm with service to get free update of dump. 

How to Pass Microsoft MD-100 Exam 

3.Microsoft MD-100 Windows 10 exam topics covered:

  • Deploy and update operating systems (25-30%)
  • Configure and support core services (20-25%)
  • Manage and maintain devices (20-25%)
  • Configure access and authentication (15-20%)
  • Configure data access and protection (15-20%)

Some key skills covered:

  • Installing and customizing Windows 10
  • Managing identities and groups
  • Configuring networking and remote access
  • Using Windows security tools like BitLocker and Windows Defender
  • Managing updates, recovery, backup, and restore
  • Monitoring and troubleshooting devices

4.How many questions are there on the Microsoftmd-100 exam?

The number of questions on the Microsoft MD-100 certification exam
MD-100 exam contains between 40-60 scored multiple-choice and interactive questions. The exam has to be completed in 120 minutes. This provides 1-2 minutes per question on average.

-Total Number of Questions: 40-60
- Question Types: Multiple choice, drag-and-drop, build list and reorder
-Number of Scored Questions: 40-60
-Number of Unscored Questions: 0

The exact distribution of question types is:
- Multiple Choice: 30-40 questions
-Drag and Drop: 3-5 questions
- Build List and Reorder: 5-7 questions

SPOTO md-100 dumps contains 100 Microsoft md-100 exam questions and answers, all exam questions are from the latest version of the exam. Unlike md-100 dumps free, md-100 dumps questions are 100% true and valid. md-100 test questions is the best test preparation material.

Fast-Pass Microsoft Exam Service within 7 Days

A recent survey also showed that many IT professionals experienced a 20% salary raise after getting certified. So if you want to get certified and seldom get time to prepare for it, our SPOTO can help you to pass the exam on the first try. We will help you to answer questions remotely during your exam. We will ensure your IT certification experience goes as smoothly as possible. You don't need to take training, do long preparation, or learn. We will handle everything for you!

Latest Passing Reports from SPOTO Candidates












Passed the MD-100 on my first try after prepping with SPOTO! Their practice questions were super helpful for identifying my weak areas. Highly recommend making this your primary study resource.
Niall Shaw
4.9 star
MD-100 exam was no joke but I credit my passing score to studying the SPOTO questions and answers. Covered everything I needed to know. So grateful for this community!
Cain Martin
4.9 star
Just passed the MD-100 today thanks to the great prep from SPOTO! The practice questions and explanations really helped me grasp the concepts I was struggling with. Very comprehensive resource.
Zander Wilson
4.9 star

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2.Can I pass the Exam with MD-100 questions and answer only?

Certainly sure! Our dumps are real exam questions & answers and you will face them from our exam. Our dumps 100% cover the real exam. If you practice our dumps, you will pass the exam successfully.

3.How can I know md-100 dumps questions are the latest?

All the products are updated fully and our dumps are the latest on the remote server. If there is an update on dumps, our service will inform you by email and the server also will warm you when you practice dump.

4.How often are your md-100 exam questions updated?

All our products are reviewed by the Product Manager on a weekly basis. If any certification vendor changes the question in the exam, our products will be updated accordingly.

5.What is the md-100 dumps format? pdf or vue?

The written dumps format is VCE, it is similar to real exam format; you can practice the written dumps on the remote server.

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