Is CCNP routing and switching still valuable as it was used to be?

2024-01-18 04:54:42 SPOTO Club Cisco,CCNP 859

When it comes to getting your Cisco CCNA Routing & Switching certification, the biggest question might be whether or not it is worth it. If you have ever bothered asking anyone this, you have likely heard something along the lines of It depends. Sure, it depends on certain things, but that is not a very valuable or insightful response. So, take a little time to get more in-depth with this common question and then dive right into whether or not you should consider the CCNP. Before we get into it, if you do wish to opt for this certification, the best way to achieve it would be by enrolling yourself to the courses offered at the SPOTO Club.

Experience Matters, But still CCNP is needed

Even if you hold a tremendous amount of experience, you still need your CCNP, because of perception matters. If you have been in networking for a while, but do not have your CCNP, you will look like you aren’t interested in learning. There’s also the risk that a hiring manager may not take you seriously if you get to a hiring manager. Having CCNA experience is good -- but having both the CCNA and the CCNP is better, even if you lack in on-the-job experience. We, the IT folks know that a certification does not replace experience, but many hiring managers see it differently. Hiring managers rely on certifications as proof of knowledge and in their eyes certification equals experience. Combine this with the fact that the CCNP exams need you to perform configuration and troubleshooting tasks; the CCNP does prove experience just not on the job experience.

CCNP in Spotlight

The initial investment which you would be making into getting your CCNP may pay off quickly, but it would be almost certainly pay off over time. Many times the candidates let their CCNP expire without re-certifying. Later they found a high-paying systems engineer position which demands the CCNP as a requirement. That’s how powerful the CCNP could be.

High Income Opportunities

How much will you make with the CCNP R&S certification? The short answer is this As much as you want. Ultimately, it comes down to experience, certifications, the market, and the company. Do not believe salary surveys. There are just too many variables that impact those figures. The bottom line is that you will make significantly more as a CCNP than you will as a CCNA, all other things being equal.

Vendor-neutral certifications and other vendors

It is common after getting your CCNA to consider pursuing other entry-level network certifications like the CompTIA Network+ and Juniper. Vendor-neutral certifications and other vendor certifications may considered to be valuable, but they are not replacements for Cisco certifications. If you have proven Cisco's expertise, it shows you are fully capable of learning other vendors. "We don't make use of Juniper,” is a common exhortation among businesses whereas “We don’t make use of Cisco,” is the kind of statement that makes a room go silent.


If you are passionate about networking and wish to make a career out of it, the CCNP Routing & Switching certification is a no-brainer, for you. Not only will it give you a sense of accomplishment, but it would also make you much more marketable by helping you gain more, and providing additional job security. Thus, we can say that CCNP Routing and Switching worth each and every penny you spend on it. Also, to achieve this certification, you are going to need a good and reliable training center. I would recommend you to check out the courses offered at the SPOTO Club, to ensure your success.