How to pass the certification exams AZ-303 and AZ-304

2024-01-16 07:32:11 SPOTO Club Microsoft 1222
HowtopassthecertificationexamsAZ303andAZ-304.png How to pass the certification exams AZ-303 and AZ-304

I completed the AZ-304 test two weeks ago, and today I passed the AZ-303 exam, certifying me as an Azure Solutions Architect Expert.

This article will summarize the exams, my study techniques, and advice on how to ace the certification exam.

preparation for exams

Discovering the exam's subject matter should be the initial step in your exam preparation. Download the exam-relevant abilities. These publications summarize the necessary skills and describe any modifications or revisions to the exam. But don't let the straightforward document deceive you. You must demonstrate a thorough understanding of the required technologies during the exam.


Get a SPOTO subscription and watch the videos in the AZ exam learning method if you are just getting started with Azure or some of the test's topics.

I began by taking the AZ-304 exam, and as a result, I also started the AZ-304 path on SPOTO. All the courses in this learning path are exceptional and provide an excellent overview of all the exam topics and some additional, more in-depth knowledge about the technology.

I started watching the videos for the AZ-303 path after completing the AZ-304 course, but I didn't learn anything new from them. It's conceivable that after watching all the movies, I felt a little exhausted or that the subjects were too similar. I advise trying them out if you are studying for the exam so you can decide whether they are beneficial or not for you.

Learn Microsoft Paths

I used the learning paths provided by SPOTO to delve deeper into each technology after receiving a fantastic overview of all of them. These learning routes combine theory and practice, giving you a sandbox on Azure where you must put what you've learned to use. They cover all technologies in the test. For instance, two new VNets with VMs might be created in this manner. Peer these VNets after that to verify the connectivity of the VMs. The significant part about this is that you don't even have to give your credit card information or pay anything. The exam learning paths are available.

Disposals of SPOTO

After completing the SPOTO classes and studying the extensive paperwork, I was prepared to take some practice tests. I choose to use their dumps mainly because they cost about USD 20 for four practice exams that you may take as many times as you like and where you can provide comments to the questions.

Although I didn't feel so horrible after taking the first practice test, I was shocked to learn that I only scored approximately 60%. I read through the answers to each question and the feedback left by other test takers. This let me discover that roughly half of the questions were incorrect and that frequently, my answers were, in fact, accurate. That was brought up in several comments, and those who supported it vowed to address the problems. But even now, the queries are still inaccurate.

Despite SPOTO's dumps being inexpensive, I can't suggest utilizing them because of all the incorrect answers and confusion they produce.

How to learn

Everybody learns differently. Others like hands-on experience, while others prefer watching videos or reading.

Try everything and discover what works best for you, is what I advise. I found that watching the SPOTO videos was a fantastic place to start. I then copied all the study materials for the AZ-303 and AZ-304 tests into a file. I printed the document and manually underlined it. When I learned something new, I added it to the document's notes section at the conclusion. During college, I studied in this manner, which was adequate for me. The paper is available in a variety of forms.

You should also gain sufficient practical experience. You should construct most of the services covered in the exam, play about a bit, and examine each service's pane in the Azure portal. This experience, which I experienced before studying the material, was quite helpful to me in comprehending the subject.

The last advice I can give you is to buy SPOTO's practice test materials. They are worthwhile, but they also provide a preview of the questions. They may also give you greater confidence if you do well on the practice exams.


The AZ-303/304 Exam certification will still be necessary as long as businesses continue to use this technology and as long as federal government agencies continue to cooperate with Microsoft. The time and effort invested in earning an AZ certification will pay off in the long run by providing opportunities for both short- and long-term success with more thorough AZ-303/304 training. Contact SPOTO if you have any inquiries concerning the certification.

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