Herein, you would be through the equipment requirements and pre-lab tasks in preparation for taking the VPN practice lab.
Then either score yourself at this point or you might continue until you feel that you have met all the objectives. Now, we are going to guide you through the equipment requirements and pre-lab tasks in preparation for taking this CCIE Routing and Switching practice lab.
If you don't own six routers as well as four switches, consider using the equipment which would be available and additional lab exercises as well as training facilities that could be found within the CCIE Routing and Switching. But before that, if you wish to practice this in detail, you could do it by gaining access to the prep courses of SPOTO.
You would be needed the following hardware as well as software components in order to begin this practice lab:
• Six routers loaded with Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4 Advanced Enterprise image and the minimum interface configuration, as it is being documented in Table 3-1
Table 3-1. Hardware Required per Router
Router Model Ethernet I/F Serial I/F
R1 3825 1 1
R2 3725 — 2
R3 3825 — 2
R4 3825 1 1
R5 3825 1 1
R6 3825 2 —
The 3825s used in this lab were loaded with c3825-adventerprisek9-mz.124-6.T.bin, and the 3725 was loaded with c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-6.T.bin.
The 3550 in this lab was loaded with c3550-ipservicesk9-mz.122-25.SEE.bin, and the 3560s with c3560-ipservicesk9-mz.122-25.SEE.bin.
• One 3550 switches with Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2 IP Services and three 3560 switches with Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2 IP Services.
This practice lab uses the topology, which you must re-create with your own equipment.
Configure VLAN assignments from the configurations which would be supplied on the CD-ROM or from Table 3-2.
Table 3-2. VLAN Assignment
VLAN Switch1 Switch2 Switch3 Switch4
45 Fa0/4, Fa0/5, Fa0/6 — — —
200 Fa0/19 — — —
400 — Fa0/19 — —
Trunk Fa0/1 Fa0/6 — —
Trunk Fa0/20 Fa0/20 Fa0/20 Fa0/20
Configuring one of the routers you would be going to use in the lab as a Frame Relay switch or would be having a dedicated router purely for this task. This CCIE Routing and Switching lab would be utilizing a dedicated router for the Frame Relay switch. A fully meshed environment is going to be configured between all the Frame Relay routers. Pay attention in the lab as to which PVC (permanent virtual circuits) is actually going to require. You are needed to keep the encapsulation and LMI (Local Management Interface) settings to default for this exercise, but experiment with the settings outside these labs because you might be required to configure the Frame Relay switching within your authentic lab.
If you are going to utilize your own equipment, keep the DCE (data circuit-terminating equipment) cables at the frame switch end for simplicity as well as provide a clock rate to all links from this end.